March 21, 2024

1st IADT and Stomatological Emergency Association (CSA) in Xi-An, China

International Dental Traumatology Conference | June 21-23, 2019

Invited Speakers:

Paul Abbott
Lars Andersson
Xu Bing
Liu Feng
Xuan Kun
Wan Kuo
Liran Levin
Zhang Min
Anne O’Connell
Yu Qing
Zhu Yaqin
Gong Yi
Man Yi
Chen Yongjin
The Chinese International Dental Traumatology Conference Supported by the IADT together with SSE, CSA took place in Xi’an China. The conference was a tremendous success with about 600 participants from 13 different countries attending and listening to lectures by IADT representatives as well as local leading lecturers. The meeting was successfully organized by professors Yong-jin Chen and Yi Gong and the IADT was represented by Anne O’Connell, Lars Andersson, Paul Abbutt and Liran Levin.


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