About the International Association of Dental Traumatology

The International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) is a professional organization whose mission is to promote optimal prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up services in the field of traumatic dental injuries through interaction with dental and medical colleagues, the lay public, and interested parties in education, sports, industry, public service and governmental agencies across the globe

In order to fulfill the Mission of the IADT, the following objectives are adopted:

  • To promote research, both clinical and experimental, in dental traumatology.
  • To stimulate development of educational curricula to enhance competency of dental graduates in managing dental injuries.
  • To encourage incorporation of educational standards for advanced dental education programs to achieve proficiency in managing dental    injuries.
  • To promote public awareness of prevention and management of traumatic dental injuries.
  • To develop and publish recommended guidelines for treatment of traumatic dental injuries based on current best evidence.
  • To assist public health agencies in developing and implementing strategies for prevention and management of dental injuries.
  • To represent the interests of dental traumatology in various dental forums.
  • To maintain an organizational structure that promotes awareness of dental traumatology.
Members & Administration

IADT currently has over 1000 members, of which 200 are NEW members in the past year.

IADT is governed by an international board of directors. It is incorporated in the United States and administered by RES Inc. Administrative and Planning, San Diego, California.

Current Officers

  • President: Dr. Liran Levin
  • President-elect: Dr. Zafer Cehreli
  • Secretary: Dr. Fabricio Teixeira
  • Treasurer: Dr. William Kahler
  • Past-President: Dr. Anne O’Connell
  • Subordinate Officer: Dr. M. Lamar Hicks

The IADT has a well-designed web page which can be accessed on www.iadt-dentaltrauma.org

Guidelines & Fellowship

For many years the IADT has produced guidelines for the treatment of dental trauma, which are regarded as the gold standard by many dental societies. The guidelines have been adopted by the AAE and the AAPD. They have been translated into 13 languages and are available on the website free of charge and are also on the TOOTHSOS free App.

In 2015 IADT introduced a Fellowship program whereby members can gain a Fellowship in Dental Traumatology by fulfilling certain prerequisites and sitting an online examination. Details are available on Fellowship tab on the IADT website www.iadt-dentaltrauma.org


Educational material for members

Educational material is available for members in the member’s only section on the website. This material includes PowerPoint lectures and many illustrations that are all available free for downloading.

Social Media

The IADT developed a Facebook discussion group with over 10,000 active members from around the world, confirming the international interest in dental traumatology. https://www.facebook.com/groups/IADT.education/


Dental Traumatology Journal

IADT publishes the journal Dental Traumatology, the only journal in the world solely dedicated to the publication of the science of dental traumatology. The impact factor for this journal continues to improve, and in 2021 is 3.3.

Dental Traumatology APP

IADT offers a free Dental Trauma App named TOOTHSOS which is available for download for Apple and Android devices. The App is designed by the IADT for both patients and professionals, is free to all, with the option to send referals.

Partnership with Dental Trauma Guide

The IADT works closely with the administrators of the Dental Trauma Guide, a non-profit website dedicated to optimizing the worldwide treatment of dental trauma. Access to this subscription site is now included with IADT Membership. www.dentaltraumaguide.org

World Congresses

The Association currently holds an International World Congress on Dental Traumatology every two years. Recent congresses have been in Japan, Italy, Brazil, Turkey, Australia and San Diego.