
Standing Committees 2023 / 2024

Liran Levin, Canada

President Elect

Zafer C. Çehreli, Turkey


Fabricio Teixeira, USA


William Kahler, Australia

Past President

Anne O’Connell. Ireland

Subordinate Officer

Lamar Hicks, USA


Yuli Berlin – Broner, Canada
Peter Duckmanton, Australia
César de Gregorio, Spain
Michal Sobczak , Poland
Koyo Takimoto, Japan
Nitesh Tewari, India
Georgios Tsilingaridis, Sweden
Geertje van Gorp, Belgium

M. Lamar Hicks, USA Lamar Hicks, USA

Yuli Berlin-Broner, Canada
Timothy C. Kirkpatrick, USA
Alex Moule, Australia
Asgeir Sigurdsson, USA

i. It shall be the duty of the By-laws Committee to be familiar with the provisions of the By-laws, Rules of Order and Terms of Reference of the Association, and to recommend amendments that are in the best interests of the IADT.

ii. The committee shall consider all proposed amendments to the By-laws and shall submit them with recommendations to the Board for review. The     Secretary will then submit the recommendation for change to the membership for action at a constituent meeting or by electronic or paper mail.

Georgios Tsilingaridis, Sweden

Yuli Berlin-Broner, Canada  
Zafer C. Çehreli, Turkey
Liran Levin, Canada
Greta Lodiene, Lithuania
Anne O’Connell, Ireland
Nitesh Tewari, India
Emily Santelices (RES), USA (ex officio)

i.  It shall be the duty of the Education Committee to develop a heightened awareness of education in Dental Traumatology, to report significant developments to the Board of Directors and members, and where appropriate to recommend action by the IADT .

ii. It shall be the duty of the committee to develop a bank of materials, including posters, illustrations and teaching material, which members can use in presentations to increase interest in the Association and a better understanding of the field of Dental Traumatology.

iii. It shall be the responsibility of the Education Committee to initiate and develop strategies for the prevention of dental injuries, in consultation with the International Academy for Sports Dentistry and other Associations as the Committee sees fit.

iv. It shall be the responsibility of the Education Committee to develop continuing education opportunities for the members of the IADT (does not include WCDT).

v. With the approval of or assignment by the Board, the Education Committee may recommend, plan or develop continuing education activities to be presented by the Association for non-members or for other organizations.

William Kahler, Australia


Peter Duckmanton, Australia
Anne O’Connell, Ireland
Juan Onetto, Chile
Sidhartha Sharma, India
Tony Skapetis, Australia
Michal Sobczak, Poland
Olga Tishkina, Russia
Geertje Van Gorp, Belgium
Lynn Reeves, (RES), USA (ex officio)

i. It shall be the responsibility of the Fellowship Committee to review current guidelines and requirements for the IADT Fellowship in Dental Traumatology.

ii. It shall be the responsibility of the Fellowship Committee to develop the examinations, score, and determine what’s the percentage required to pass them.

iii. The committee is to provide regular updates to Board members and submit its final report following each examination.

William Kahler, Australia

Yuli Berlin – Broner, Canada
Zameera Fida, USA
Lamar Hicks, USA
Alex Moule, Australia
Asgeir Sigurdsson, USA
Amy Sochatsky, Canada

The Finance Committee shall

i. Advise the President and Board on all matters concerning the financial wellbeing of the IADT.

ii. Develop an annual operating budget with the assistance of RES, Inc..

iii. Approve the budget within the Finance Committee.

iv. Monitor adherence to the budget.

v. Set long-range financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them.

vi. Recommend to the Board means by which the IADT can consistently meet its financial obligations.

vii. Select a committee member where possible from outside the Board or IADT who has financial expertise.


Liran Levin, Canada

Paul Abbott, Australia
Ashraf Fouad, USA
Anne O’Connell, Ireland
Fabricio Teixeira, USA
Nitesh Tewari, India


i. It is the duty of the Committee to develop a glossary of terms and definitions used in the field of Dental Traumatology, if needed. 

ii. It is the duty of the Committee to review current evidence based research in the field of Dental Traumatology.

iii. It is the duty of the Committee to submit a report every 6 months to the Board of Directors with specific recommendation in regard to the
    IADT Trauma Guidelines.

Marie Therese Flores, Chile

Lars Andersson, Sweden
Leif Bakland, USA
Alex Moule, Australia
Eva Lauridsen, Denmark
Emily Santelices (RES), USA (ex officio)

 It shall be the duty of the Honors and Awards Committee to recommend to the Board of Directors, via the officers, awards and honors to recognize individuals who have given exceptional service to the Association or who have made a major contribution to dental traumatology research or education.

ii. It shall be the duty of the Honors and Awards Committee to formulate and then publish Board-approved written criteria for all awards and honors.

iii. It shall be the duty of the Honors and Awards Committee to solicit nominations for the different Honors and Awards from the membership or initiate within the committee a recommendation for a nomination.

iv. The Honors and Awards Committee shall be required to consider all recommendations for nominations from members of the IADT, provided such nominations are 
made in writing and are accompanied by a detailed explanation why a candidate is considered to be a worthy recipient of an award.

Geertje van Gorp, Belgium

Lea Budak, Croatia
César de Gregorio, Spain
William Kahler, Australia
Liran Levin, Canada
Simran Sarao, USA
Michal Sobczak, Poland
Nitesh Tewari, India
Emily Santelices (RES), USA (ex officio)


i. It shall be the responsibility of the Information Committee to send information on IADT business and other organizational activity to the membership

ii. It shall be the duty of the Information Committee to maintain, update and develop the IADT web site including the development of forums and links.

iii. It shall be the duty of the Information Committee to coordinate the activities of the IADT with the other dental societies, particularly those devoted to the field of Dental Traumatology, and to examine and establish liaison with other professional groups and associations.

iv. With the exception of news releases issued directly by the President or the Secretary, the information Committee will be responsible for all news releases relative to the IADT. These news releases must be initially approved in principle by the President or the Secretary.

Nitesh Tewari, India

Ola Al Batayneh, Jordan
Ehsan Azadani, USA
Yuli Berlin-Broner, Canada
Gisela Bona, USA
Lea Budak, Croatia
Javier Cardenas, Chile
Zafer Cehreli, Turkey
Sivakumar Nuvvula, India
Koyo Takimoto, Japan
Olga Tishkina, Russia
Nestor Tzimpoulas, Greece

i.  It shall be the duty of the Membership and Recruitment Committee to work for ways to increase the number of members in IADT and to retain existing members over time.

ii. It shall have the responsibility to review membership lists and identify key personnel who can assist the Association in the recruitment of new members.

iii. It shall consider applications for Life Membership and organizational membership and nominations for Honorary Membership in order to make recommendations to the Board.

iv. It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to assess the opinion of members about IADT specifically aimed at considering what we can do to maintain membership and also to make membership in IADT more attractive to all dental professionals.

Fabricio Teixeira, USA

Paul Abbott, Australia
Danielle Clark-Perry, Canada
Ashraf Fouad, USA
Amandeep Kaur, India
Anahat Khenra, USA
Lucy Yu, UK

i. It shall be the duty of the Research Committee to stimulate and promote research in Dental Traumatology.

ii. It shall be the duty of the Research Committee to identify areas where there are gaps in the literature and where more research in dental traumatology is needed.

iii. Subject to prior approval by the Board of Directors, the Research Committee may develop or engage in activities that will assist members in improving their research through collaboration, enhanced funding, or the development of specific skills.

iv. It shall be the duty of the Research Committee to establish criteria for “awards” for presentations at IADT conferences, and to recommend the type and amount of awards.

v. It shall be the duty of the Committee to create/review the criteria for the IADT Case Report Award and IADT Research Award as well as to judge the applications for the awards.

vi. It shall be the duty of the Committee to review, score, and select the award winners as well as abstracts for the WCDT.

vii. It shall be the duty of the Committee to submit a regular report to the Board through the Secretary for approval

Amy Sochatsky, Canada

Danielle Clark-Perry, Canada
Bill Kahler, Australia
Anahat Khehra, USA
Liran Levin, Canada
Simran Sarao, USA
Fabricio Teixeira, USA
Lynn Reeves (RES), USA (ex officio)


It shall be the duty of the Sponsorship Committee to:

i. Seeks to establish relationships of the IADT with the 1) manufacturers of dental equipment and materials and 2) providers of services; identifies ways to enhance a relationship and investigates issues of mutual concern.

ii. Seek sponsorship for IADT activities

iii. Set guidelines for seeking sponsors

iv. Recommend appropriate sponsors

v. Monitor and assess the impact sponsors have on IADT activities

vi. Report to the Board through the Finance Committee

Nitesh Tewari, India

Padmanabhan MY, India
Camila Corral Núñez, Chile
Simran Sarao, USA
Georgios Tsilingaridis, Sweden
Giorgos Tzanetakis, Greece
Annapurny Venkiteswaran, Malaysia
Lynn Reeves (RES), USA (ex officio)


It shall be the duty of the Social Media Committee to:

i.  It shall be the duty of the Committee to overview, maintain and further develop IADT social media pages and discussion forums.

ii.  It shall be the duty of the Committee moderate IADT social media pages and discussion forums.

iii. It shall be the duty of the Committee to encourage membership though the IADT social media pages and discussion forums.

iv. It shall be the duty of the Committee to develop strategies to use IADT social media pages and discussion forums for marketing and generation of new income sources for IADT

Anne O’Connell, Ireland

William Kahler, Australia
Liran Levin, Canada
Michal Sobczak, Poland
Koyo Takimoto, Japan
Nitesh Tewari, India 


It shall be the duty of the Social Media Committee to:

i.  It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to discuss potential opportunities for IADT’s World Congress in Dental Traumatology (WCDT)

ii.  It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to seek out and initiate contacts with representatives of international, national and regional organizations for the purpose of encouraging applications for hosting a World Congress in Dental Traumatology (WCDT)

iii. It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to evaluate applications for hosting a World Congress in Dental Traumatology and to make recommendations to the Board on the suitability of the applicant for partnering with IADT for a World Congress.

iv. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to identify and seek approval for the speaker selected to present the JOA Memorial lecture at the WCDT meeting.


Anne O’Connell, Ireland

Lamar Hicks, USA
Fabricio Teixeira, USA
Georgios Tsilingaridis Sweden
Gertrude van Gorp, Belgium

i. The Directors Nominating Committee shall make nominations for positions of Directors of the IADT.

ii. The Nominating Committee shall attempt to select candidates on a diversified basis.

iii. The Nominating Committee shall welcome suggestions and be required to consider all recommendations for nominations from members of the IADT, provided:
    •Such nominations are made in writing; are endorsed by the nominee;
    •Are delivered to the Nominating Committee at least three months before the established date of election;
    •Are accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae of the proposed candidate.

iv. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of nominations and submit the slate to the Officers for ratification one month before the election is scheduled.

v. The slate of nominations for directors are to be delivered to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the board meeting at which elections are to be held.

vi. The Nominating Committee shall assist the President, if requested, in the selection of members for other committees or other positions in the IADT.

Lamar Hicks, USA

Zafer C. Çehreli, Turkey
William Kahler, Australia
Liran Levin, Canada
Anne O’Connell, Ireland

i. The Officers Nominating Committee shall make nominations for all officer positions of the IADT

ii. Written nominations for all officer positions are to be delivered to the Secretary at least 21 days before the date of the board meeting at which the election is to be held.

Georgios Tsilingaridi,il Sweden

Lars Andersson, Sweden
Ece Eden, Turkey
Kate Kenny, UK
Chaitanya Puranik, USA

It shall be the duty of the Standardized Records Committee to present a standardized way to record Traumatic Dental Injuries (TDI) to be used worldwide.

Zafer C. Çehreli, Turkey

Yuli Berlin-Broner, Canada
William Ha, Australia
William Kahler, Australia
Amandeep Kaur, India
Liran Levin, Canada
Nitesh Tewari, India
Lynn Reeves (RES), USA (ex officio)