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President’s Message June 2023
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The month of May was another thrilling and busy time for the IADT. It started in Chicago where a leadership team from the IADT attended AAE23, the annual meeting of the American Association of Endodontists.

Recollections from IADT Past President Dr. Anne O’Connell
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I am now looking back over my time as President of IADT. There was great ambition and exciting plans to expand the impact of IADT across the world.

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President’s Message June 2023
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The month of May was another thrilling and busy time for the IADT. It started in Chicago where a leadership team from the IADT attended AAE23, the annual meeting of the American Association of Endodontists.

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July 12-15, 2024 - Tokyo, Japan

The 22nd World Congress on
Dental Traumatology (WCDT)
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Further Details Forth Coming

October 5 – 7, 2023 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen Symposium & Webinar 2023
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Treatment Challenges in Dental Traumatology – An Evidence-Based Approach.

October 27-30 2023

IADT 2023 Fellowship Exam Dates
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We are pleased to announce that the dates for the 2023 IADT Fellowship exam will be Friday,...

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IADTube is offering a new FREE Lecture Series by Leaders in Dental Traumatology.
The series will be provided free of charge to all IADT members in good standing to enjoy state-of-art and cutting-edge presentations at your leisure

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