May 2, 2024

The 22nd World Congress on Dental Traumatology

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Natasha Flake, the newly installed president of the AAE, will attend as IADT’s guest the 22nd World Congress on Dental Traumatology (WCDT 2024) in Tokyo, Japan in July. Her attendance at the upcoming World Congress continues the beneficial reciprocal relationship IADT and AAE have had for more than a decade.

Regarding the Tokyo congress, be sure to register and join us for this spectacular event that features top-of-the-line lecturers, workshops, lunch and learn opportunities, and vibrant social events. The affordable rates for registration are intentionally set to encourage attendance at this flagship international event. So, take advantage of the best in dental traumatology education and a wonderful opportunity for collegial interaction.

IADT’s Website Committee is working diligently on a major upgrade of our public facing website. We look forward to launching the new website later this year. It will include information for the public as well as for dental professionals in an accessible, easily navigable, and attractive format.

The first IADTube Lecture for 2024, presented by Dr. William (Bill) Kahler on effective treatment of traumatic crown fractures and vital pulp therapy, will be available for just two more weeks. Be sure to log-in to your IADT members-only account and enrich your knowledge! Our next lecture in the series will be presented, starting on May 15th, by Dr. Steve Mills, a prominent member of the Academy of Sports Dentistry. Steve will give us a fascinating update on mouthguards and their significant role in the prevention of dental trauma.

Finally, if you have been procrastinating or forgotten, please remember to renew your membership for 2024. While renewing your membership, consider a donation to the IADT to help fund the important educational efforts of the IADT.

Make sure to follow us on the new Facebook Page,Facebook Group, Instagram and LinkedIn to get updates and more news from the IADT.

Yours collegially,

Liran Levin
President, International Association of
Dental Traumatology (IADT)

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