The IADT is pleased to announce
Dental Trauma Case Report Competition with Cash Prizes
The 2024 Case Report Competition Opens
October 31, 2024
Only IADT members in good standing may enter. (One case report submission per IADT member)
Prizes will be awarded for the best reports submitted during the calendar year
The case report must relate to dental trauma
Winning entries will be placed on the IADT website, and considered for publication in the IADT Newsletter and the journal Dental Traumatology.
First prize winner will receive US $500
Second place winner will receive US $250
Report Format
Cover Page: A cover page should include the title, author name(s), affiliation, address and contact email.
TITLE: The title should be succinct and relevant to the case.
ABSTRACT: An abstract of no more than 250 words should introduce the case.
INTRODUCTION: A short introduction should state the purpose of the case report. Avoid lengthy literature reviews. Reference should be made to the purpose of reporting the case, e.g., the uniqueness of the case, an unusual or unreported approach to a problem, an unusual diagnosis, prognosis, or therapy, or why the case is clinically relevant to the science of dental traumatology.
The Introduction should include a brief review of the topic, acknowledge selected classic and current literature, and finish with a one-sentence summary or conclusion.
CASE DESCRIPTION: The case description should follow the guidelines for case reports published in the journal Dental Traumatology. The case should be reported in sequence with history and examinations adequately described, including high quality photographs and radiographs obtained pre-treatment, during treatment, immediate post-treatment and controls (follow-up). Treatment should be described with outcomes related to treatment and pre-treatment conditions. Patient progress, outcome and appropriate follow -up should be included. The follow-up time should be sufficient for the reader to be confident with the success of any intervention.
DISCUSSION: The Discussion should involve a subjective critique by the author(s), rationally discussing decisions that were made and drawing conclusions that were supported by the data. The Discussion should provide a literature review of similar cases, how this case is different from those previously reported, what is unusual about the case, and whether a similar case could be managed differently in the future. It should highlight specific aspects of the case(s), explain/interpret the main findings, and provide a scientific appraisal of any previously reported work in the field.
CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The manuscript should end with a concise statement that explains the clinical relevance and uniqueness of the case presented.
REFERENCES: Should be up-to-date, relevant and written in the style specified in the journal Dental Traumatology.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The case should not have been previously published in any peer-reviewed journal. Co-authors may be included; however, the award will be presented to the first author. The first author should be primarily responsible for treating the case and all text in the case report.
Case reports should be brief. The written text should not exceed 5 double-spaced printed pages, including an abstract of no more than 250 words. Additionally, a maximum of 3 illustrations, 10 references, 10 radiographs, and 6 photographs may be included. Photographs should be of high quality and resolution, in accordance with Dental Traumatology publication guidelines.
JUDGING CRITERIA: An independent judging panel, using a standardized assessment rubric, will evaluate the following:
Description: History, examinations, treatment, outcome
Quality of radiographic and photographic images
Comparative analysis
Potential impact of case report
Appropriate references properly formatted
Overall quality/worthiness of the case