Dear IADT Family,
What a tremendous success!!! The 22nd World Congress on Dental Traumatology (WCDT 2024), in Tokyo, Japan, exceeded all expectations with almost 1000 participants from 59 different countries! It was a great thrill to meet all the students, clinicians, educators, researchers, and corporate representatives. Equally exciting was the opportunity to see, hear and learn from the top international leaders in dental traumatology. It was also a delight to spend time with friends and colleagues from around the globe during the several social programs and events. The tremendous success of the 22nd World Congress was a result of two years of hard work by the IADT and the Japanese local organizers. I know I speak for the entire IADT membership in saying how grateful we are for all the people who made the congress such a special and noteworthy event. It is with great anticipation that I look forward to seeing all of you again in September 2026 in Warsaw, Poland, for the 23rd World Congress on Dental Traumatology (WCDT 2026).
The World Congress in Tokyo provided the opportunity to spread the word about the “Global Dental and Oral Trauma Day,” a special day set aside annually on September 21st to promote and encourage prevention and proper management of traumatic dental and oral injuries around the world. Watch for further developments, updates, and participatory opportunities as we approach this important day of global significance. We invite you to join your IADT colleagues and other committed professionals and interested persons in promoting dental and oral health and safety for all. Additional information will be available soon on how you can engage, contribute, and support this special mission.
We are excited to announce that the first phase of our new public facing website has been launched. Please check it out. Enjoy the attractive, modern design and the ease of navigation around the site. Additional features will soon be added to make it even more useful to the membership and the public. This new website is the fruit of many months of hard work by IADT’s Website Committee, chaired by President-Elect Zafer Cehreli. I would like to thank Zafer and the other members of the committee for their hard work, innovation, and vision.
Finally, I want to extend a warm and collegial welcome to the many new members who joined the IADT during the Tokyo congress – welcome to our family!
Liran Levin
President, IADT