February 17, 2024

President’s Message February 2024 – Dr. Liran Levin, President, IADT

Dear IADT Members and Friends,

The IADT board has started the new year full of energy and excitement working and planning for another successful and fruitful year. The board recently approved the first International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) and Academy for Sports Dentistry (ASD) Guidelines for the Prevention of Traumatic Dental Injuries. This is a collaborative effort of the two associations that aims at highlighting the important roles that dental professionals play in the prevention and management of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs). Beyond that, the guidelines are written in a format and language that are easily understood by non-dental personnel. Thus, they can be used to educate the general public, the victims of TDI and other people who may be present at the scene of an accident. With this information, parents, sports coaches, school teachers, teammates, and even by-standers can provide the appropriate first aid for these injuries and help preventing them. The guidelines will be published as a special issue in the journal Dental Traumatology and will be available on our IADT website soon.

The IADT’s conference planning team along with our Japanese colleagues, is working hard to make the 22nd World Congress on Dental Traumatology (WCDT 2024) in Tokyo a rousing success. We look forward with great anticipation to seeing all of you there. Please note that abstract submission for the congress is now open. So, make sure to submit your interesting clinical cases and research findings for sharing with hundreds of your international colleagues during the World Congress.

We are also ready for an exciting 2024 with new IADTube lectures lined up for you. These lectures provide a virtual cornucopia of valuable information on a wide variety of dental traumatology topics. So be prepared to sit-back, listen, enjoy and learn. The next lecture will be posted in two weeks. You will be able to hear Dr. Bill Kahler (Sydney, AU), our current treasurer, talk about effective treatment of traumatic crown fractures and vital pulp therapy.

Please remember to renew your membership for 2024, if you haven’t done so yet. While renewing your membership, feel free to use the donation button on our website as well!

Make sure to follow us on the new Facebook Page,Facebook Group, Instagram and LinkedIn to get updates and more news from the IADT.


Liran Levin
President, International Association of
Dental Traumatology (IADT)

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