June 28, 2023

President’s Message June 2023 – Dr. Liran Levin, President, IADT

Dear IADT Family,

The month of May was another thrilling and busy time for the IADT. It started in Chicago where a leadership team from the IADT attended AAE23, the annual meeting of the American Association of Endodontists. During the meeting, the AAE hosted an International Forum attended by multiple international associations. The IADT delegation included Dr. Bill Kahler (Treasurer), Dr. Lamar Hicks (Officer), Dr. Yuli Berlin-Broner (Director), Dr. Koyo Takimoto (Director), Ms. Amy Sochatsky (Chair of Development Committee) and me. The team discussed possible future collaborations between the AAE and the IADT.

Immediately after the meeting in Chicago, we introduced and started the transition to the new IADT logo. This logo blends the traditional with the contemporary and highlights the values, principles, and distinctive character of our association. Make sure to visit our website to see the lovely new color scheme of the logo and the integrated symbols of a global organization dedicated to an improvement in the quality of life for millions of dental trauma patients.

Later in the month we posted our second lecture in the IADTube series. This lecture, provided by Dr. César de Gregorio (Madrid, Spain), discusses lateral luxations in permanent teeth. Sign in to the ‘members only’ section of the website to enjoy this highly informative lecture.

I had the privilege of joining fellow IADT member, Dr. Chaitanya Puranik (USA), to lead a webinar titled “Dental Trauma Education: Challenges and Opportunities” as part of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) webinar series. During the webinar, I shared the results of a recent interview with dental trauma instructors from all Canadian dental schools. The webinar shed some much-needed light on the challenges in dental trauma education and some recommendations offered by dental trauma educators. Dr. Puranik described how the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine has implemented Problem Based Learning (PBL) in dental trauma education. He discussed the blueprint for implementing the PBL process and the favorable outcomes that resulted after implementation. A recording of the webinar is available on the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) website.

The IADT’s social media presence continues to become more widespread and stronger. So, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to get updates and more news from the IADT.

Please remember to renew your 2023 membership, if you haven’t done so yet. While renewing your membership, feel free to use the donation button on our website as well!


Liran Levin
President, International Association of
Dental Traumatology (IADT)

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